Moving tigers: the first tiger relocationWhile this article can be considered a case of old wine in new bottles, I feel that the story merits retelling as many members of today's…2d ago2d ago
In the shadows of the mind: On the trail of the melanistic tigers of SimlipalMelanistic tigers. The first time I heard about them I thought they were figments of imagination of a hyperactive mind. I had just started…Mar 6Mar 6
Meandering through the Deccan — Part 8: The road backCharminar, Hyderabad — Photo: Vikram NanjappaMar 31Mar 31
Meandering through the Deccan — Part 7: Of sufis and sultansKhwaja Bande Nawaz Dargah, Gulbarga — Photo: Vikram NanjappaFeb 25Feb 25